Where the heart is
This is the story of how Kathryn’s mother coped with change. How she worked out how to believe in LIFE and what to do. . .
BACKGROUND – with each new birth and baby, I grew. We all do. I suffered as a part of me tried to stay the same. Many may follow this path. Children irreversibly change all of us. Possibly this is why we have them – to become more of ourselves. I know after gaps between mine – 7 years then 3, then 8 years between, a different mother emerged for each. I was so much older and living in such a different life with each.
BEING PROACTIVE – It all started when I realised that I needed to know what to do whilst pregnant if/when s/he became ill. Birth was a surprise. As was new motherhood. Sean had a father who was a chronic asthmatic. He had been ill all his life. I wondered what was I to do if his son followed suit. My decision was not to allow the random medical fads to take their toll. Or to hope that he grew the most well he could be – into his potential and beyond. Being me, by the time he was 6 weeks old, I was signed up for an acupuncture course in Brisbane. Having no resources was not a problem. I was hitch hiking (or busing) up and down the east coast weekly, till we moved in to Brisbane six months later. I became a natural therapies student, ans am still asking questions of whatever seems in the way unreasonable, or not working.
This is the story of one who leaves no stone unturned
Can we do better naturally?
What about leaving well alone?
Does nature know best? (Including survival of the fittest?)
Why do we default to those whose major line is ‘we don’t know’ and ‘more research needed’?
Why is autism (unknown by most when Kathryn was diagnosed by me when she was less than 12 months old), now so common?
What has happened that all take for granted what never was in families before??
ANSWER likely:
We are breaking our babies – AND our lives
When/if you find yourself up against a wall – of apparent hopelessness – you may choose very different paths. Acceptance – and at what level?
As a natural health detective and problem solver could not be like most parents.
I went after resolution for suffering – discovering our path out.
This was, and still is – my journey
Others showed up
I am grateful