How to avoid autism in your loved ones

I have written this as hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Had someone filled me in on all of this, I would have at least had the choice to do what I thought best – ignore what is written here.

When I was working in a residential facility for over 900 damaged people in 1973, there was ONE autistic person – who lived out and came in daily for ‘therapy’. When my daughter Skye (Kathryn) was under one years of age in 1987 I could not help but see her as autistic – it is very hard to miss a profoundly autistic baby. No one else knew what it meant though. Fast forwards to the year 2012 and all know someone afflicted and many more on the spectrum. What happened? Think chemicals and heavy metals where they should not be.  Think return to nature and being respectful of vulnerable babies and fetuses . . at least stop the foolhardy dependence on vaccination as ‘protection’ when all that is happening is poisoning . .

Increasing incidence of autism

All my children are on the autism spectrum, with my 26 year old daughter profoundly affected. Is autism a warning of what is to come for all the human population?

One in 54 boys??


1) – Before pregnancy, have a body replete in Magnesium, Iodine and Vit D (and Zinc and Selenium) to allow all toxins adequate exit from your body, and to avoid all vaccinations as the body will be stronger.    Magnesium, Iodine and autism

2) – Be well. When young, always find another way to ‘fight’ infections than introduce antibiotics into the infant’s body as the loss of normal gut flora not only inhibits the excretion of mercury and other heavy metals, but allows the uninhibited explosion of moulds and fungi to take off with imbalances all of their own (Far worse than systemic Candida, which is usually neglected).

Over use of antibiotics may cause autism

Antibiotics and gut bacteria

3) – Get the toxins OUT – Take oral Glutathione accelerators – Dr. Jill James of the University of Arkansas School of Medicine has documented a unique metabolic profile in 95 autistic children with regressive autism.[4] Regressive autism is a form of the disease in which children develop normally for a certain period before losing previously acquired language or behaviors and being diagnosed with autism. The metabolic profile in the James study children manifests as a severe imbalance in the ratio of active to inactive glutathione in autistic children, compared to a group of healthy control children. Glutathione, a potent antioxidant, is the body’s most important tool for detoxifying and excreting metals and its production in the body is dependent on good nutrition.

Lack of glutathione and autism

Facts about Glutathione and autism

Personal testimonial to removing mercury and other heavy metals in a profoundly autistic adult.

When my adult daughter Kathryn was started on MAX GXL – a Glutathione accelerator at age 22  . . she had more of the amazing changes that the liquid activated zeolites (three years before) had started. Taking out the heavy metals instantly allowed her to become calmer and more human! She also started growing, as prior to this was a very small person.

4) – Better still – have NO exposure to mercury.  Where does it come from? Amalgam – and gets stored in maternal tissues and passed down as a legacy  – landmine territory.

Possible relationship maternal amalgam and autism

Mum’s fillings and autism

Vaccinationchildhood vaccination linked to autism

5) – Chose a young dad for your babies – or have an intensive heavy metal and general detoxifying period as conscious conception well prior to starting making your baby.

Paternal age an issue

Environmental Risk Factors for Autism – esp paternal age

6) – Avoid all fetal scanning

Are you so sure you want to terminate if a specialist says that there is something wrong with your precious baby? Did you not think of this before conception and take all possible precautions to ensure the most perfect baby – through pre-conceptual workup  not panicked IVF when natural was not happening – there is a reason there are far more damaged babies when IVF is used – and even more with ICSI – it is because of the load of toxins that create male infertility – so changing his life and thus his health and hence his sperm will mean automatically a better baby made.

Then you do not need to damage the baby with ultrasounds.  Ultrasound not as safe as previously thought Just because. . .. trust nature and your planning and good sense prior to conception. (See a naturopath for a cleansing detox or at least look to drinking more water and less caffeineated drinks and alcohol)

Ultrasound scans cause for concern

Prenatal ultrasounds a risky proposition

Various studies on the safety of fetal scanning

If ultrasound destroys sperm, why is it safe for a fetus?

7) – Birth naturally

Here I am suggesting that we go back to where mothers birthed in peace. Where mothers were not hassled every time someone thought of  a new bright idea: that fetal scanning and interventions are placed back in the ‘tinkering’ basket, as they are not found to have positive outcomes for mothers and babies.

Yes – it allows mum to feel as though she is in control – BUT the increase in distressed mums and bubs is surely cause to investigate if such interventions that were not known of 20, 30, 40 years ago – when the rates of autism were miniscule – have been to anyone’s except the fee for service medical industry – valid cause for insisting their use. Is ultrasound necessary and effective in pregnancy?

Birthing naturally – is Nature right?

Why undisturbed birth?

Gentle Birth: gentle Mothering

What happens when we intervene/ignore natural living./try to interfere?

Does baby NEED the natural hormones of attachment only found with natural birthing?

What happens when we get in the way ostensibly for good?
Birth Trauma:The Most Common Cause of ‘Developmental’ Delays

Possible birth complications and autism

The cause of birth brain injury

Birth complications linked to autism

8)- Gut bacteria (see 2) above)

Mum needs to have a perfect gut when pregnant. If she does not – she will not only be not assimilating and absorbing nutrients that could make her life easier forever – but she is missing making he best baby possible.  All of us are only as good as our gut.

Importance of gut bacteria prebirth on baby

Lost in C sections – babies first innoculation missed due to non vaginal delivery

9) – Postpone vaccination till at least the baby is eating all foods so you know what allergies may be present. Become informed.  Fully. Better still, raise such a healthy baby that should s/he become unwell, nature steps in and a mild form of whatever happens, so then baby is immune for vastly longer than the chemical cocktail should small people get intravenously . . .and there is no proof it  safe – there is  a lot of evidence to say something is going wrong – why is there this explosion of autistic like children now and not before when vaccination was so much later and less forced.

Is it really that necessary to immunise?

Please take note – that I am NOT giving health advice that I suggest you take without informing yourself further  – I am suggesting to please look past the emotive and fear driven recent campaigns. SOMETHING is causing the epidemic of autism and damaged forever youngsters.  Don;t let it be yours – we can all hope we get missed – but then the lottery of life will eventually have you wining – even if it is your grandchild you are s worried about . .







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